Wednesday 4 July 2007

Dont wanna be an American Idiot - Greenday

K, im offski to pretend to be an American and celebrate the 4th of July in the city that hates the English. Darmstadt, Very few cities would go to the trouble of putting plaques everywhere, i mean everywhere, that the English took the pleasure of bombing, every building, every bench...everywhere...I mean yes, im sorry and all but guys, really it was a long time ago. So Im gonna go cover up my milk white skin and don some dark glasses and party like its 1999(I have no idea why they say that. Enjoy

Monday 2 July 2007

Overly philosophical conversations with 4 year olds

Ive had two deep conversations with Emma today, the first being while trying to convince her that if she gets me mad enough I will turn green, tear up my shirt, climb the nearest tall building and roar loudly...but the second was cute, philosophical and got me thinking too. While trying to get her to sleep she kept covering her mouth with her blankie and that stuff creeps me out, cot death, suffocation the like, so I was trying to persuade her not to do it, and without thinking I said that if she covered her head the angels wont be able to see her face. She was looking at me in total awe like what angels?!?! So I taught her the prayer I used to say at Gran and Grandads when I was little
"god Keep us safe this night, secure from all our fears, may angels watch us while we sleep til morning light appears" and she thought it was cool but still wanted to know more. So I went down the guardian angel path and after she listed every single one of her freinds individually, we concluded that we all had guardian angels. She wanted to know what they looked like, what they sounded like, what they wore, can she speak to them, and the cutest...can she dream about them. It was totally cool and got me thinking, its sad that the stories here dont have things like angels in them, its not an angelic culture, as far back as I can remember I believed in things like magic, and santa clause and fairies and angels...but these kids dont, they grow up with reality and (im totally not sugestting the things out lined above are not reality) thats got to such when your a little kid.
Thinking back to Jolie and how amazed and delighted she was when she met arthur, the zebra handpuppet, and how she is so careful with her baby dolls incase she might hurt them, because they do feel pain...its part of growing up, to some the kids here might seem more mature, you cant even trick Laro with a puppet and he is 1, and Emma knows her dolls and teddies are made of plastic, and her play kitchen is plastic... but isnt there a time when its too soon to be mature, before you mature you have to be a kid first.

The randomness of it all

Aloha, in a nutshell the purpose of this site is to keep up to date with the world who has gone blog crazy and also means I can post cool and not so cool things on a website, which makes me ace and then people will come and say, she's not that ace, but come back anyway, and I'l have lots of friends. It also means I wont waste my money on phone calls and messages to a million people to tell them how ace/un-ace my day has been, because I can say it once, here, and be done with it...Its not that I dont love all of you people back at home, its just that, well, I cant be buggered to say it all 5 million times over. So, that was a really large nutshell...but there, Ive said it...Dont hate me...Enjoy