Sunday 4 February 2007

Being a student...and a human

Okay, first seriousness of the year (possible decade when it comes to me) but no seriously.
Ive been on a hunt for some cool pajamas for a while now, and I came accross the possibility of a cool pair in primark, only problem was our nearest store is Blackpool, so off i went on a trek on a stinky bus to Blackhellpool. Can you believe there was three criminally annoying teenage girls on the back practising for their school talent competition, Im not Simon Cowell, but these kids should have been duct taped immediately. Alllllllllllll the way there, they sang, well they spoke rhythmically, infact they didnt even get the whole rhythm concept...just crapness.
So anyhoo, had fun in Blackpool got my polka dot PJ's (they are amazing) and saw Tariq and Princess Georgie extrordinaire and then when it was time to get the bus back i had a little time to kill, so i thought, I know, Lets have a coffee..and tootled myself off to the most English of English institutions, the BHS cafe.
Im sitting there with my cupcake and coffee surrounded by folk and a woman, presumably a carer came in with two people (probably in their 30's) in wheelchairs. Again not being a doctor (or still not Simon Cowell, theres a lotta things i aint) I would have guessed that they had pretty severe CP or something similar, anyway the roughest of all rough familys were sitting near by and the chavvy mum, bling bling, went reallllllllllly loudly "here we go" in their direction. Now that, is unreasonable but they had a carer etc etc, its not my place to comment, so I went back to my book.
So the carer leaves to do a spot of shopping and leaves the two people (guy and a girl) to their sandwiches or whatever and theyre just there, existing anonymously, like the rest of us...and enjoying their day when Mrs Burberry (aforementioned chavvy nasty bitch) pipes up...ridiculusly loudly "I come out for a nice meal, and all i can see is them retards drooling everywhere". Im never one to cause a scene, but that just riled me, and being me, I had to say something. I turned to her and said thats really rude and offensive (along those lines) and she starts mouthing away blah blah blahhhhhhhh about being a F*****n cheeky geordie cow and carried on her tirade of offensive things to say about disabled people. So i decided to raise a few issues with her:
1) I beg to differ than she came out for a nice meal, she was in the BHS cafe for goodness sake, not the Ivy, although looking at her...
2) They are not retarded, because chances are they are completely compus mentis and probably had more brain power than her and her skanky family combined
3) I dont think they choose to drool, they may have issues with saliviation caused by poor motor control and dysphagia...
Now the third point was fun...she looked at me like I had just spoken in tongues and trying to be clever...picked up on the only word she recognised "motor" and said what you on about "its not a motor wheelchair"
At said point I laughed derisevly at dumb bitch and told her to sit down and keep her offensive and childish opinions to herself. THis apparently isnt the wisest thing to say to burberry bitch and she wants to give it a little more gob, going on about how disabled people drain the world of their resources etc etc...and she was talking SHITE (sorry gran...its a word that had to be used).
At said point I was fuming but trying to avoid being bitten and killed by rabied witch with the bling and told her that God forbid her or her children (of which there was roughly 17) ever become ill or disabled and she laughed and said "we wont, were not spazzes..."You know that feeling when you just want someone to I dont know, fall under a bus? I had that feeling right then. SO yeh, i called her a cruel heartless witch and thankfully the security man appeared there and then which most likely avoided me getting a right hook in my pretty face, And escorted bitch from restaurant with all her skanky nitty snotty brats. It broke my heart to turn back around and the guy, I know now, is called Mike, Said thank you to me, it was so sweet, and it wasnt very clear and the dictation wasnt impecible, but it was clear gratefulness for someone for once sticking up for this poor person who has to deal with prejudices every day of his life when all he wanted was a cup of tea and a chocolate muffin, its just not fair. Anyway gathered up my stuff and went to leave and the woman behind the til said "thank you, i agree with you, but I just wudda hit the silly cow" It was overly tempting...believe you me.
So on bus on way home after random drama, Im sitting there reading my book...listening to my ipod minding my own business, tell me why do some people think this screams "talk to me, i lack attention". Some dude sits down opposite me and we sit for a little while in silence. I need to point out its freeeeeeeeezing on this bus so i pulled my new (amazing) gloves, which i will post a pic of later) outta my bag and but them on. And random man laughs derisevely and goes "attractive" I was like "oh yes, im trying to pull you, thats why i look out my gloves, not my bra, you guys are all about the mittens" growled and went back to reading. He apparently took this as the ice breaker and after laughing for a while (at himself, the voices in his head w/e i dunno) he was like what you reading, i said a book. he said what you listening which i turned it up (it being rod stewards greatest hits) and physically turned my back. No hope. When he went to get off the bus is Garstang he slipped me his number...I still have it, im debating whether to either arrange a date and send Tariq...or post it in a phonebox with some sleezy phrase...I'll decide...asshole
I cant actually believe how many succint (hmm) words I could put my day into...but thats it, in a wasnt fun and to be honest im glad its over. Maybe tomorrow there wont be an apocolyptic fog settled over the city (im associating said fog with bad day) and we can get on with normality. And maybe just maybe Mrs Burberry from BHS will realise the error of her ways and turn a corner and start working for help the aged or scope or something...and then again maybe she will be the first person in living history for gravity to actually fail her and she will just fall of the earth, i dont know which one i'd rather......oh no! wait there, i do!

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The randomness of it all

Aloha, in a nutshell the purpose of this site is to keep up to date with the world who has gone blog crazy and also means I can post cool and not so cool things on a website, which makes me ace and then people will come and say, she's not that ace, but come back anyway, and I'l have lots of friends. It also means I wont waste my money on phone calls and messages to a million people to tell them how ace/un-ace my day has been, because I can say it once, here, and be done with it...Its not that I dont love all of you people back at home, its just that, well, I cant be buggered to say it all 5 million times over. So, that was a really large nutshell...but there, Ive said it...Dont hate me...Enjoy