Saturday 30 June 2007

The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage

Starting with just a little get you thinking style lyric there, but today I thought for a long time about the stark differences between countries and cultures. Of all the places I have visited this is the first place which i have "lived" as one of the locals, doing as they do, something you just dont get the chance to do on holiday and there are so many differences. Some are quirky ones, like the fact that on name tags in shops they have "Frau Worth" (as an example) instead of Kirsty, which makes me laugh and would certainly put a bummer of a stop to the things that we used to get up to at currys when we swapped name tags. But there are more serious differences.
The news from England that I have been checking is so depressing, if that crap happens here you sure as hell dont hear about it! I check the BBC site daily, and I find that in 2 days there has been two terrorist atacks on the UK, one was caught and the other didnt do as much damage as would be expected..but coming up to the anniversary of 7/7you cant help but realise that someone wants to hurt the UK nd no matter how much we try to stop it, eventually someone will get through. But even on the bbc sites, the tyne area for example, there is 4 headlines, a severe assault, a sexual assult, a hit and run and a robber who attacked someone with a hammer, oh happy days. THe local news paper here this morning was talking about thee fair in Darmstadt town, which of course I was obliged to visit, being one of the biggest in Germany. Again, the culture clash was obvious when we passed 2 paramedics, where Uk ones where stab vests and radios these guys were wearing flip flops. UK police have high speed pursuit vehicles, German police have tandems, yes, tandems, and this is in a big town!
But I went to the fair with an American girl who works at the kindergarten and her dad is stationed in Darmstadt and met up with some of her friends and actually had a really good day. went on some rides, including the scariest ferris wheel ever, had something to eat and then watched a jazz SKA band, who tried to pull of Kenny G, PUUULEEEASEEE! but all in all it was fun!
The first week is offically over, im bloody knackered but still havin fun, but I do feel slightly out of the loop. I found the daily mail atthe army base...wooo English! And felt a little confused when I was reading about the London Bómb things and it had prime minister godron browns response...i was like huh? how long have I been gone....what the hell happened to Anthony? help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

The randomness of it all

Aloha, in a nutshell the purpose of this site is to keep up to date with the world who has gone blog crazy and also means I can post cool and not so cool things on a website, which makes me ace and then people will come and say, she's not that ace, but come back anyway, and I'l have lots of friends. It also means I wont waste my money on phone calls and messages to a million people to tell them how ace/un-ace my day has been, because I can say it once, here, and be done with it...Its not that I dont love all of you people back at home, its just that, well, I cant be buggered to say it all 5 million times over. So, that was a really large nutshell...but there, Ive said it...Dont hate me...Enjoy