Thursday 12 July 2007

Photo day

After mourning the loss of my beloved camera, i am pleased to introduce my new friend minolta. Incidentally, Ive decided that if the teaching career falls going to become a photographer. Heres some of the arty shots from today, and a vid of laro and the bananaphone song!

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Dont wanna be an American Idiot - Greenday

K, im offski to pretend to be an American and celebrate the 4th of July in the city that hates the English. Darmstadt, Very few cities would go to the trouble of putting plaques everywhere, i mean everywhere, that the English took the pleasure of bombing, every building, every bench...everywhere...I mean yes, im sorry and all but guys, really it was a long time ago. So Im gonna go cover up my milk white skin and don some dark glasses and party like its 1999(I have no idea why they say that. Enjoy

Monday 2 July 2007

Overly philosophical conversations with 4 year olds

Ive had two deep conversations with Emma today, the first being while trying to convince her that if she gets me mad enough I will turn green, tear up my shirt, climb the nearest tall building and roar loudly...but the second was cute, philosophical and got me thinking too. While trying to get her to sleep she kept covering her mouth with her blankie and that stuff creeps me out, cot death, suffocation the like, so I was trying to persuade her not to do it, and without thinking I said that if she covered her head the angels wont be able to see her face. She was looking at me in total awe like what angels?!?! So I taught her the prayer I used to say at Gran and Grandads when I was little
"god Keep us safe this night, secure from all our fears, may angels watch us while we sleep til morning light appears" and she thought it was cool but still wanted to know more. So I went down the guardian angel path and after she listed every single one of her freinds individually, we concluded that we all had guardian angels. She wanted to know what they looked like, what they sounded like, what they wore, can she speak to them, and the cutest...can she dream about them. It was totally cool and got me thinking, its sad that the stories here dont have things like angels in them, its not an angelic culture, as far back as I can remember I believed in things like magic, and santa clause and fairies and angels...but these kids dont, they grow up with reality and (im totally not sugestting the things out lined above are not reality) thats got to such when your a little kid.
Thinking back to Jolie and how amazed and delighted she was when she met arthur, the zebra handpuppet, and how she is so careful with her baby dolls incase she might hurt them, because they do feel pain...its part of growing up, to some the kids here might seem more mature, you cant even trick Laro with a puppet and he is 1, and Emma knows her dolls and teddies are made of plastic, and her play kitchen is plastic... but isnt there a time when its too soon to be mature, before you mature you have to be a kid first.

Saturday 30 June 2007

The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage

Starting with just a little get you thinking style lyric there, but today I thought for a long time about the stark differences between countries and cultures. Of all the places I have visited this is the first place which i have "lived" as one of the locals, doing as they do, something you just dont get the chance to do on holiday and there are so many differences. Some are quirky ones, like the fact that on name tags in shops they have "Frau Worth" (as an example) instead of Kirsty, which makes me laugh and would certainly put a bummer of a stop to the things that we used to get up to at currys when we swapped name tags. But there are more serious differences.
The news from England that I have been checking is so depressing, if that crap happens here you sure as hell dont hear about it! I check the BBC site daily, and I find that in 2 days there has been two terrorist atacks on the UK, one was caught and the other didnt do as much damage as would be expected..but coming up to the anniversary of 7/7you cant help but realise that someone wants to hurt the UK nd no matter how much we try to stop it, eventually someone will get through. But even on the bbc sites, the tyne area for example, there is 4 headlines, a severe assault, a sexual assult, a hit and run and a robber who attacked someone with a hammer, oh happy days. THe local news paper here this morning was talking about thee fair in Darmstadt town, which of course I was obliged to visit, being one of the biggest in Germany. Again, the culture clash was obvious when we passed 2 paramedics, where Uk ones where stab vests and radios these guys were wearing flip flops. UK police have high speed pursuit vehicles, German police have tandems, yes, tandems, and this is in a big town!
But I went to the fair with an American girl who works at the kindergarten and her dad is stationed in Darmstadt and met up with some of her friends and actually had a really good day. went on some rides, including the scariest ferris wheel ever, had something to eat and then watched a jazz SKA band, who tried to pull of Kenny G, PUUULEEEASEEE! but all in all it was fun!
The first week is offically over, im bloody knackered but still havin fun, but I do feel slightly out of the loop. I found the daily mail atthe army base...wooo English! And felt a little confused when I was reading about the London Bómb things and it had prime minister godron browns response...i was like huh? how long have I been gone....what the hell happened to Anthony? help!

Friday 29 June 2007

The north wind does blow

In a grand statement I can proudly say that I have cheated death a grand total of twice today. Which is a very good or a very bad dayy depending on how you look at it.
Incident one - Im goin to pick Emma up from kindergarten and lolling along, and its been all stormy and really dark then it went like FREAKY dark. I glance over a field and whatdya know theres a frickin twister. Oh excellent, they dont mention that in the tourism books! I mean it was small and there was no damage (physically i mean, mentally, my nerves were shot to shit) and this woman let us hide in her car. But still people! ahhhh
Incident two - went to take the DVDS back to the shop and this walk takes 20 minutes usually, but this time I had slow and slower in tow, it took 2 hours, I kid you not to get there and back, and no, I didnt cheat death by not dying of boredom, or slipping through a rift in the space-time continuum because we were walkng so slowly. Ever heard of Un-manned train level crossings? well in England theres a little warning before the barriers come down, and even then they come down pretty slow, these are fast, and also silent... Were walking under the bastard and boom it comes shooting down on top of us and thankfully hit the buggy (which was empty, im not that callous).
There could be an incident three sooon enough because I had lunch with this American dude from thepool and he said that he would show us German food so he bought what translates roughly into white tasted okay (not great), bitlike a cheap saveloy. I was just about to bite into it when he said, enjoy, and dont ask what its made of......I rarely do ask what my food is made of but that made me suspicious so when I got home I looked it up and I think I have just eaten horse meat and pig skin.....excuse me, I need to vomit

Thursday 28 June 2007


More about Germany later, I got accepted back to camp for halloween on the teen sib. camp nd im chaperoning, lets hope for no bomb scares this time, with any luck we will get on the right plane! I overly ecxited

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Rain rain go away

Emma was showing me off at kintergarden this morning, she made me go in when i picked her up and all the kids wre like wowwwwwww and she had told them about me and she made me speak English to them. ITs obviously gotten around the mums to because they all had a good stare when we were walkin in, they wont forget my face in a hurry!
I met a french man in town today. I miss English conversation but at least I could have some kind of conversation with another adult, which was cool. I taught Emma "rain rain go away" and she has been singing it all day, but she always forgets the word "again" so she just replaces it with whatever ENglish word beginnin with A she can think of, usually apple, so its come apple another day, very cute.
We were singing ten green bottles this morning too....the word acidentally in her accent is possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard.
I went into Dieburg with Laura for coffee tonight too which was nice, we talked etc etc, shes really nice but really shy. I feel desperately sorry for her. Shes been a housewife for four years and in the last 2 of them shes been out 3 times with her husband, which is kind of tragic, so I said I dont midn lookin after the kids at night so they can go out for a meal and she looked so touched. She also said the first day she left for work she was so nervous about leaving, but today she was stallin at work, not wanting to come home because she thought she would interrupt our fun! Made me feel all fuzzy inside! SO seemingly all is well!

Monday 25 June 2007

a very good day

Today was my first proper day alone with the kinder and both me and the parents were reeeeeeeeeeeeally nervous, which is understandable, especially since Emma was not using her English properly so they thought that maybe we wouldnt be able to talk to each other, but as soon as Lara left this morning the door banged and Emma shouts "So my friend, what are we doing today!" which was funny and so cute at the same time. so after kindergarden we went for a walk and came across an "Eiscafe" which is like an ice cream parlour. In we go and Emma and Laro order Beine Mayer and along it comes, these guys are ice cream artists! Out comes an ice cream bee with ice cream and bananas and chocolate sauce and wafer and nuts and cream and even a sparkler for the stinger! the picture really doesnt do the bee, who we called Sandra, much justice!
Anyhoosum...we ate Bees and on the way home there was a HUGE storm and we got drenched, it didnt help that Emma is the slowest walker on the planet but we came back, drank Heisse Shokolade (hot chocolate....durrr) and watched the lion king, in ENglish no less and then bed.
When Lara got back Emma told her that when she finishes her internship she is coming back to England to stay with me, Laro is staying here, but he can visit. Cute, very cute. She also introduced me to her kintergarden teacher as her best freind, which was uber cute!
All in all a good day, I think tomorrow will be much easier to because no one will be so worried. Germany is officially cool, and these kids are ACE!

Saturday 23 June 2007

Hallo Be Deutschland

Hallo, ist Deutschland ausgezeichnet, liebe ich es hier, gibt es viele nette zu besuchende Plätze und die Sachen zum zu sehen und Emma und Laro sind schöne Kinder, die mich Lächeln alot bilden. Ich kippe Wartezeit für Morgen, als wir mehr Spaßsachen tun können. Ein vier Einjahres half mir, dieses zu schreiben, das möglicherweise ein Spitze Sorgen ist!

Translated back to English on Sir Babel the ever trusty fish:
Hello, Germany is excellent, I love it here, There is many nice places to visit and things to see and Emma and Laro are beautiful children who make me smile alot. I cant wait for tomorrow when we can do more fun things. A four year old helped me write this which is maybe a bit worrying!

In a nutshell it is really nice here, the people are friendly;Kai and Laura the parents, Emma and Laro the children, and princess Lillypie the second (I Daren't ask about Princess Lillypie the first) are really nice and welcoming, the alcohol is free flowing, and everything I would ever need is within 10 minutes walk...stick a fork in me----Im done

Three good things:
1) Emma is a total princess and reeeeeeally well behaved
2) The bed is really comfy
3) They drink alcohol allllll the time

Three not so good things, but not BAD things:
1) Out of 96 cable channels, the ony English one is CNN
2) Laro has three volume settings, loud, louder and eardrum burstingly unbearable
3) Stooooooopid German keyboardmakes it reallly hard to type

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Thursday 7 June 2007

Wednesday 6 June 2007

The wonderful german language

pending the adventurous cross-country move I have been learning a little about the German language, and what a beautiful thing it is, unfortunately it sometimes clashes with our id care to illustrate in the following completely undoctored photos from around germany! my personal favourite would have to be wurstfuchs

Wednesday 30 May 2007

I love ya Vicsnoria

As one of the worst best friends ever I tend to either forget stuff, or just forget to ask.....
As it seemed one lot of people came back from a warzone the next waves goes...
Vic I know how much U adore Logan and Im gutted for you tht hes going but its not for long (I know its gonna seem like a lifetime) and you'll have him back to annoy and embarrass Mr Grave before you know it!
God bless Logan and all ur mates

And since theres a bit of lonestar for every occasion....heres today snippet of gorgeousness (this vid was a special one called the message home) and it has some really nice pics of the soldiers coming home safe...which is cool! I especially love the vid of everyone running towards each other on the tarmac cos theres like hundreds of people there, yet everyone knows exactly who theyre running too...magical

Anyway a poem for the occasion (plagiarised of course)

They are so brave to go

And face the enemy

They stand up for what is right

And to keep our country free

Make each soldier strong Lord

And fill them with Your peace

Remind them that they are loved

And our prayers will never cease

Until they are home again

Safely in our arms

We thank you Lord for watching over them

And keeping them from harm


God bless guys

Tuesday 29 May 2007

The cuteness of Miss Eden

Eden has gone a long way to prove that infact she the cleverest, cutest and most determined kid EVER! she climbs the step by her self for the first time which is such a HUGGGGGGGGGGE acheivement and she even manages to stop for a pose at the camera half way! amazing!

Wednesday 7 February 2007

Thats what friends are for

Im feeling distinctly upbeat at the moment, because I know I have a great gang of people around me, I know who I can trust and turn too. A few weeks I was having a mini post-christmas and being with family bout of gloominess but Ive been dragged out of it by a whole bunch of nutters. Whether its pulling an all night trivia quiz evening with my wife...ahem, or random days out and just having good long talk/bitches on the phone or the net, its nice to know that youre not alone, and right now, i feel surrounded, and im at my happiest ive been for a long time. (Im even feeling suprisingly relaxed about the essay I have to hand in on friday containing 2000 word, 1998 to go then).

Strangely Im not looking forward to placement for the first time ever, simply because its been such a rush and so disorganised its got me all worked up and we dont know whether were coming or going, that and the fact the this happygimp pulled reception class! please help! Im sure it will be okay in the end.

Theres still a few people who need to fall on a spike to make my day better, or perhaps a fork, or a knife or a pan, or 2 pans? hmm wonder who that could be...but mostly its chilled.

So in true cheesy form and now ive transfered from eeyore mode to tigger mode heres a lil something that always makes me think of the people that have cheered me up, and a few seen above...theres also sara and victoria (of sprog nature )..but theres no pics of them to hand sadly...but shes still loved.

And for the tune....

And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away-ay
Well then close your eyes and try
Feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember

Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me-ee, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more-ore
That's what friends are for

Well you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you
Woh, and then for the times when we're apart
Well then close your eyes and know
The words are comin' from my heart
And then if you can remember

Oh-oh, keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times, in bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Oh-oh, that's what friends are for, oh-oh-oh

Woh-oh-oh, keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for-or-or-or
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more-ore-ore-ore-ore
That's what friends are for-or-or-or-or

Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, that's for sure
'Cause I tell ya, that's what friends are for
For good times and the bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
That's what friends are for, hah-hah, yeah

Can i just say, i am going to find something more cheery to put here....honest

Sunday 4 February 2007

Damn the frube haters

I was asked what my favourite food at the moment is to which i replied Frubes...I am now being derisevly laughed and scored, which is rather rude...WHATS WRONG WITH FRUBES...they are perfect portions of delicious, healthy fromage frais is handy packaging! WHATS WRONG WITH THAT...damn you all frube haters of the world...go an moan about world poverty or child abuse or something, leave me and my youghurty snacks to be.

Being a student...and a human

Okay, first seriousness of the year (possible decade when it comes to me) but no seriously.
Ive been on a hunt for some cool pajamas for a while now, and I came accross the possibility of a cool pair in primark, only problem was our nearest store is Blackpool, so off i went on a trek on a stinky bus to Blackhellpool. Can you believe there was three criminally annoying teenage girls on the back practising for their school talent competition, Im not Simon Cowell, but these kids should have been duct taped immediately. Alllllllllllll the way there, they sang, well they spoke rhythmically, infact they didnt even get the whole rhythm concept...just crapness.
So anyhoo, had fun in Blackpool got my polka dot PJ's (they are amazing) and saw Tariq and Princess Georgie extrordinaire and then when it was time to get the bus back i had a little time to kill, so i thought, I know, Lets have a coffee..and tootled myself off to the most English of English institutions, the BHS cafe.
Im sitting there with my cupcake and coffee surrounded by folk and a woman, presumably a carer came in with two people (probably in their 30's) in wheelchairs. Again not being a doctor (or still not Simon Cowell, theres a lotta things i aint) I would have guessed that they had pretty severe CP or something similar, anyway the roughest of all rough familys were sitting near by and the chavvy mum, bling bling, went reallllllllllly loudly "here we go" in their direction. Now that, is unreasonable but they had a carer etc etc, its not my place to comment, so I went back to my book.
So the carer leaves to do a spot of shopping and leaves the two people (guy and a girl) to their sandwiches or whatever and theyre just there, existing anonymously, like the rest of us...and enjoying their day when Mrs Burberry (aforementioned chavvy nasty bitch) pipes up...ridiculusly loudly "I come out for a nice meal, and all i can see is them retards drooling everywhere". Im never one to cause a scene, but that just riled me, and being me, I had to say something. I turned to her and said thats really rude and offensive (along those lines) and she starts mouthing away blah blah blahhhhhhhh about being a F*****n cheeky geordie cow and carried on her tirade of offensive things to say about disabled people. So i decided to raise a few issues with her:
1) I beg to differ than she came out for a nice meal, she was in the BHS cafe for goodness sake, not the Ivy, although looking at her...
2) They are not retarded, because chances are they are completely compus mentis and probably had more brain power than her and her skanky family combined
3) I dont think they choose to drool, they may have issues with saliviation caused by poor motor control and dysphagia...
Now the third point was fun...she looked at me like I had just spoken in tongues and trying to be clever...picked up on the only word she recognised "motor" and said what you on about "its not a motor wheelchair"
At said point I laughed derisevly at dumb bitch and told her to sit down and keep her offensive and childish opinions to herself. THis apparently isnt the wisest thing to say to burberry bitch and she wants to give it a little more gob, going on about how disabled people drain the world of their resources etc etc...and she was talking SHITE (sorry gran...its a word that had to be used).
At said point I was fuming but trying to avoid being bitten and killed by rabied witch with the bling and told her that God forbid her or her children (of which there was roughly 17) ever become ill or disabled and she laughed and said "we wont, were not spazzes..."You know that feeling when you just want someone to I dont know, fall under a bus? I had that feeling right then. SO yeh, i called her a cruel heartless witch and thankfully the security man appeared there and then which most likely avoided me getting a right hook in my pretty face, And escorted bitch from restaurant with all her skanky nitty snotty brats. It broke my heart to turn back around and the guy, I know now, is called Mike, Said thank you to me, it was so sweet, and it wasnt very clear and the dictation wasnt impecible, but it was clear gratefulness for someone for once sticking up for this poor person who has to deal with prejudices every day of his life when all he wanted was a cup of tea and a chocolate muffin, its just not fair. Anyway gathered up my stuff and went to leave and the woman behind the til said "thank you, i agree with you, but I just wudda hit the silly cow" It was overly tempting...believe you me.
So on bus on way home after random drama, Im sitting there reading my book...listening to my ipod minding my own business, tell me why do some people think this screams "talk to me, i lack attention". Some dude sits down opposite me and we sit for a little while in silence. I need to point out its freeeeeeeeezing on this bus so i pulled my new (amazing) gloves, which i will post a pic of later) outta my bag and but them on. And random man laughs derisevely and goes "attractive" I was like "oh yes, im trying to pull you, thats why i look out my gloves, not my bra, you guys are all about the mittens" growled and went back to reading. He apparently took this as the ice breaker and after laughing for a while (at himself, the voices in his head w/e i dunno) he was like what you reading, i said a book. he said what you listening which i turned it up (it being rod stewards greatest hits) and physically turned my back. No hope. When he went to get off the bus is Garstang he slipped me his number...I still have it, im debating whether to either arrange a date and send Tariq...or post it in a phonebox with some sleezy phrase...I'll decide...asshole
I cant actually believe how many succint (hmm) words I could put my day into...but thats it, in a wasnt fun and to be honest im glad its over. Maybe tomorrow there wont be an apocolyptic fog settled over the city (im associating said fog with bad day) and we can get on with normality. And maybe just maybe Mrs Burberry from BHS will realise the error of her ways and turn a corner and start working for help the aged or scope or something...and then again maybe she will be the first person in living history for gravity to actually fail her and she will just fall of the earth, i dont know which one i'd rather......oh no! wait there, i do!

Silly blogness

Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a Conspiracy Theorist!
Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don't try to leave, we are already watching.
More Quizzes at

Saturday 3 February 2007

Me? really?

I thought I'd start this off with a little get to know you trick...its called a questionnaire, and its crap but never mind

serial killers, creepy fog, sunderland

someone who makes me smile, has morals (preferably similar to mine) and nice teeth

calling my tutor by the name of person i had a crush on during the register in year 9

Girl = Madilyn, Maia, Skye, Holland Boy = Austin, Declan, Joel, Keaton

Myself, Lynsey, Fran, Nix, Victoria, Tariq, Sara, Vix, Heather, Lissy, my parents and a besquillion more

Big brother

I'd never say hate about any family member

cookie dough

mums sunday dinner or mums lasange

Potato/sweet potato

Rosy Apples

High school musical or The sky is falling or Little children

Mock the week, Dog the bounty hunter or Law and order SVU

Patrick Wilson and Chris Melloni

The metrocentre or lindisfarne

My pink sapphire ring i got from my brother for my 18th and my ruby cross from my parents on same birthday

Football (to watch)

Monkeys or girraffes or elephants or dolphins


Tommy girl or Ghost

VW bug or mini metro

School - Geography
Uni - history (now theres something i never imagined myself saying

uh huh
erm yeh
of course


I'd like to think i never would have an abortion. I think there are very rare opportunities where i would condone it, but every situation is unique and until Ive personally been there and had to make that decision, I cant judge someone who has.

I like Rascal FLatts

erm...theyre big


My grans locket or my bear

J'aime mon non plus or whatever that porny tune is

BOYZIIMEN - ah hah....i still listen to it

messy usually, gets occasionally cleaned up

hehe...then it wouldnt be a secret

my memories, my photographs, my high school leavers book


model student
hehe noooo
drama queen
I used to be...not anymore

in the right situation
depends who they are with
No Way
oops to late
My parents and my friends
My photographs and Vix, not neccessarily in that order, maybe
Kirky, quirky and kirst....original, oh and bitch (but thats just taz nd sara)

The randomness of it all

Aloha, in a nutshell the purpose of this site is to keep up to date with the world who has gone blog crazy and also means I can post cool and not so cool things on a website, which makes me ace and then people will come and say, she's not that ace, but come back anyway, and I'l have lots of friends. It also means I wont waste my money on phone calls and messages to a million people to tell them how ace/un-ace my day has been, because I can say it once, here, and be done with it...Its not that I dont love all of you people back at home, its just that, well, I cant be buggered to say it all 5 million times over. So, that was a really large nutshell...but there, Ive said it...Dont hate me...Enjoy